Sunday, 15 November 2015

The tragic story of budding engineer Dharmapada

According to local folklore, Narasimhadeva 1 had hired a chief architect called Bisu Maharana to build the Konark Surya Devalaya temple in orissa.
 After a period of twelve years, a workforce of twelve thousand almost finished the construction. 
But, they failed to mount the crown stone. The impatient king ordered the temple to be finished in three days or the artisans be put to death. 
At the time, Bisu Maharana's twelve-year-old son, Dharmapada arrived at the site. 
Bisu Maharana had never seen his son, as he had left his village when his wife was still pregnant. 
Dharmapada successfully proposed a solution to mount the crown stone. 
But, the artisans were still apprehensive that the king will be displeased to learn that a boy succeeded where his best artisans failed. 
Dharmapada climbed onto the temple and leapt into the water to save his father and his co-workers.

Saturday, 14 November 2015

Science in the Hindu temple construction.

 Hindu temple is built around the belief that all things are one, everything is connected.
 The pilgrim is welcomed through 64-grid or 81-grid mathematically structured spaces, a network of art, pillars with carvings and statues that display and celebrate the four important and necessary principles of human life -
1. The pursuit of artha (prosperity, wealth)
2. The pursuit of kama (pleasure, sex)
3. The pursuit of dharma(virtues, ethical life) and
4. The pursuit of moksha (release, self-knowledge). 

In ancient Indian texts temple is a sacred site whose ambiance and design attempts to condense the ideal values of Hindu way of life.
All the cosmic elements that create and sustain life are present in a Hindu temple - from fire to water, from images of nature to deities, from the feminine to the masculine, from the fleeting sounds and incense smells to the eternal nothingness yet universality at the core of the temple.

to know more about the hindu temples click here